"Methadone helps people with opioid addictions to gradually detox and recover with the goal of ultimately ending their addiction and drug use entirely."

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Changing Phases Behavioral Support, inc.
3655 Canton Rd Suite 201
Marietta GA 30066

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What is methadone, and why do we use it to treat opioid addiction?

One of methadone’s most common uses is in helping people with opioid addictions to gradually detox and recover with the goal of ultimately ending their addiction and drug use entirely. What is methadone and why do we use it to treat opioid addiction? Methadone is a synthetic opioid medication. Like other opioids including morphine and buprenorphine, methadone affects how your body responds to withdrawal symptoms. However, it has a slower-acting and longer-lasting affect that makes it safer, longer-lasting, and ideal for long-term supervised use.

Is methadone safe?

Any drug carries the potential for harmful interactions or overdose, and methadone is no exception. Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) using methadone has proven to be one of the safest ways to recover from serious addictions to opioid painkillers like heroin. As part of a narcotic replacement therapy program, each patient is treated individually and given careful supervision with regards to dosage and use of other medications with the potential for harmful interaction.

How long does treatment last?

Your treatment program will be tailored to your individual needs. Some people’s programs may end as quickly as a few months, while others may last over a year. In some cases, the best option may be a Methadone Maintenance Treatment (MMT) program that lasts for as long as they need it to. MMTs are useful for people who are vulnerable to relapse into high-risk behaviors such as IV drug use, unsafe sex, illegal activity, and overdose.


Does treatment involve counseling or group therapy?

Our treatment programs are modeled on the most successful clinical experiences which combine methadone treatment with group or individual therapy for the best results. Addictions involve both a physical and a psychological component. While addictions to powerful drugs like heroin have a strong physical or chemical basis, they also include influences from behaviors, thought patterns, other people, and even your environment. While your body detoxes using methadone for narcotic replacement therapy, our counselors will help you to change your life to achieve the mental health required to resist future relapses.

Why Changing Phases?

Our goal is to provide much more than just a support program or a drug dispensary. Changing Phases Behavioral Support is both a comfortable place for treatment, and a medical facility with professional supervision. Addiction to opioids is a powerful, life-destroying condition but we know that you are even more powerful. You have survived one of the worst things that life can throw at you. Our goal is to empower you to end your addiction and find a new, healthier way of life.